Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Chapter 5

5.1 The Cell Cycle

Cycle=repetition or repeating patterns.

G0 (Gap 0): cells carry out their normal functions but are unlikely to divide ex: Neurons

1. gap 1 
2. cell growth, normal functions, replications of organelles, length of time a cells varies for each cell & organism. Critical check point in cell division #1 @ the end of G1. 
3. synthesis. 
4. copies DNA from the nucleus
5. gap 2 
6. more growth and normal functions, Critical check point in cell division #2 @ the end of G2.
7. mitosis 
8. cell division 
9. prophase 
10. metaphase 
11. anaphase 
12. telophase 
13. cytokinesis   Cyto=Cell    Kinesis=division
14. mitosis 
15. interphase 

Cells divide at different rates: 


  • Rates of cell division vary widely
  • Cell divides according to the body’s need (Ex. Skin cells divide more often then liver cells.) 
  • The length of gap 1 varies widely among cell types. 
  • Neurons, enter a stage called G0, where cells are unlikely to divide again.

Cell size is limited due to surface to volume ratio:

  • If cell is small it could not contain organelles and needed molecules. 
  • If cells is large it could not move enough materials across the membrane surface. 
  • To be at perfect size cell growth and division must be coordinated.

Experiment Explaining The Importance of Size of Cell

G1& G2 stages got their names because scientists did not see any activity going on in cells, and thought there were Gaps in cell activity. 

M-Phase (Mitosis): the cell nucleus and its contents divide this includes cytokinesis.

What Breast Cancer Cells Look Like When Dividing

Section 2: Mitosis and Cytokinesis

Chromosome Structure

  • A chromosome is one long thread of DNA. 
  • DNA wraps around proteins called histones.
  • Each Sister Chromatids join together forming a structure called Chromosomes.
  • Chromosomes condense at the start of mitosis so that they be ready to divided. They don't remain condensed all the time because genes must be easily accessible.
                             Telomeres and Aging

What organelles are involved in Mitosis?

  • Nucleus (chromosomes)
  • Centrioles (where the spindle fibers are produced)
  • Cell membrane

1. interphase: duplicates organelles, duplicates DNA, cell grows

2. prophase: chromosomes condense, nucleus breaks down, spindle fibers form (long threads used in cell division) 

3. metaphase: spindle fibers align chromosomes along the middle of the cell

4. anaphase: chromatids separate to opposite sides of cell 

5. telophase: nucleus membranes start to form around chromosomes & chromosomes begin to uncoil

6. cytokinesis: divides the cytoplasm between two daughter cells


Mitosis using your hands

But what happens in Plant Cells?

Lets Review

Download the app VINE for tomorrow....

Creating mitosis using VINE

  • You will create a vine on mitosis correctly placing the names with the process.
  • Be sure to allow enough time to show how Mitosis works. 

Mitosis Vine Video
Mitosis Vine Labels

Section 5.3 Regulation of Cell Cycle

The regulation, or control, of the cell cycle is important for healthy cells to grow. Having uncontrollable division results in what we know as CANCER! 

Take a look at this video....
Cancer Cells vs Normal Cells

How does cancer affect the body?

The cell uses Internal and External Factors 

External Factors: The cell uses physical and chemical signals to control the cell cycle. When cells get around other cells they stop dividing.

Many cells release chemicals to neighboring cells to begin to divide.

Internal Factors: When external factors bind to cells they cause a response inside the cell. Enzymes and proteins, called kinase and cyclins, help the cell move through the cell cycle.

Apoptosis: Programmed cell death. When the cell is damaged or it is no longer useful it programs itself to die. This avoids any problem the cell might contain from spreading to neighboring cells.

take a look...

Uncontrolled Cell Division

Benign tumors: relatively harmless because they clump together and can be removed

Malignant tumors: cancer cells that break away from the tumor and travel to other parts of the body.

Metastasize: Once the malignant tumors break away and travel through the blood stream they appear at other parts of the body


Carcinogens substances that are known to cause or lead to cancer

Is Red Meat Giving You Cancer

Benign Tumor?

Lets review

Section 5.4 Asexual Reproduction

Asexual reproduction is the production of offspring from a single parent. The offspring are, for the most part, genetically identical to each other and to the parent.

  • Usually seen in unicellular organisms (prokaryotes and some eukaryotes).

  • Multicellular organisms undergo a different type of asexual reproduction called known as mitosis, vegetative reproduction, and/or "budding". EX: Starfish, Hydra

Budding/Fission in Starfish


Eukaryote Binary Fission

Prokaryote Binary Fission

Advantage & Disadvantage of 
asexual reproduction 

Why Sex?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction

Section 5: Multicellular Life

Level of organization

Cell differentiation: the process by which cells that do not have a specialized function develop a specialized function.

What Are Stem Cells?

How Do They Get Stem Cells?

Growing Organs From Stem Cells

A Stem Cell Story

Trachea Transplant Using Stem Cells

Monday, October 5, 2015

Chapter 4

Section 4.1

Making Connections:
The cells of all organisms—from algae 

      to whales to people—need chemical 

     energy for all of their processes. 

                                    Some organisms, such as diatoms

                                                                      and plants,
absorb energy from sunlight. Some of that energy is stored in sugars. Cells break down sugars to produce usable chemical energy for their functions. Without organisms that make sugars, living things on Earth could not survive.

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate):
organic molecule that acts as a main and high energy source for cells.

ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate):low energy molecule that can be converted to ATP.

1. ATP
2. energy released for cell processes
3. ADP
4. energy from breakdown of molecules

5. Carbohydrate:  Energy:4 cal/mg Details; 36 ATP from glucose; most common molecule broken down to make ATP

6.Lipid: Energy: 9 cal/mg; Detail: 146ATP from a triglyceride; stores most of the energy in people

7. Protein: Energy:4 cal/mg; Details: infrequently broken down by cells to make ATP

Chemo= chemical

Chemosynthesis—process through which some organisms use chemicals from the environment (rather than light energy) as a source of energy to build carbon-based molecules


Lets Review!!

 ATP synthase in Plants

Recap Questions:

Describe how you get energy indirectly from the food that you eat.
Compare and Contrast How are the energy needs of plant cells similar to those of animal cells? How are they different?

Section 4.1

Lets make a connection:

Solar-powered calculators, homes, and cars are just a few things that use energy from sunlight. In a way, you are also solar-powered. Of course, sunlight does not directly give you the energy you need to play a sport or read this page. That energy comes from ATP. Molecules of ATP are often made from the breakdown of sugars, but how are sugars made? Plants capture some of the energy in sunlight and change it into chemical energy stored in sugars.

Some organisms are called producers because  they produce the source of chemical energy  for themselves and for other organisms. 

Synthesis=put together
Photosynthesis—process through which light energy is captured and used to build sugars that store chemical energy

Chloroplasts  are  membrane-bound  organelles where Photosynthesis takes  place  in plants.


Chlorophyll: a green pigment that gives plants their green color and absorb visible light to provide energy for Photosynthesis.

Thylakoid: coined shape,found within the chloroplast that contains the components of photosynthesis.

1. chloroplast
2. sunlight
3. water
4. thylakoid; chlorophyll and other light-absorbing molecules
5. oxygen

6. energy-carrying molecules transferred to light-independent reactions
7. carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

8. light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle)
9. one six-carbon sugar (glucose)

Photosynthesis equation:

6CO2 + 6H2O ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒C6H12O6 + 6O2

Many arrows are used  because many chemical  reactions occur with the help of many enzymes. 

Light-dependent reaction:absorbs energy from sunlight and transfers energy to the light-dependent reaction.

light-independent reaction:uses energy absorbed during light dependent reactions to synthesize carbohydrates.

Lets See it again!

Recap Question:

Explain why photosynthesis is important for building the structure of plant cells. 

Section 4.4

mitochondria are like power plants that burn fuel to produce electricity.

In a power plant, a processed fuel is burned in the presence of oxygen, and energy is released as useful electricity.

During cellular respiration, oxygen and digested molecules from food are used to produce useful energy in the form of ATP.

Cellular respirationprocess through which sugars and other carbon-based molecules are broken down to produce ATP when oxygen is available

Glycolysisanaerobic process in cytoplasm that splits glucose into 2 three-carbon molecules

1. mitochondrion 
2. pyruvate: three-carbon molecules 
3. Krebs cycle; mitochondrial matrix; produces 2 ATP 
4. carbon dioxide 
5. ATP,NADH, FADH2 energy carriers are transferred to 2nd aerobic stage 
6. energy from glycolysis and oxygen enter the process 
7. Electron Transport Chain produces water and;
large number of ATP molecules (34) 

Cellular respiration equation: 

C6H12O6 + 6O2 ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒6CO2 + 6H2O

Kreb Cycle:produces molecules that carry energy to the second part of cellular respiration

Recap Questions: 

1.Compare Describe the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis in terms of energy and matter.

2. Is oxygen necessary for the production of all ATP in your cells? Why or why not?

Section 4.6

Making Connections:

Think about a time when you worked or exercised hard. Maybe you moved heavy boxes or furniture. 

Maybe, playing basketball, you found yourself repeatedly running up and down the court. 
Your arms and legs began to feel heavy, and they seemed to lose strength. 

Your muscles became sore, and even when you rested you kept breathing hard. Your muscles were using fermentation

Fermentationprocess that allows glycolysis to continue to produce ATP when oxygen is not available, but does not produce ATP. It removes electrons from NADH and recycles NAD+.

Lactic acid fermentationpyruvate and NADH enter fermentation; NADH used to convert pyruvate into lactic acid; NAD+ recycled to glycolysis

Alcoholic fermentation 
—pyruvate and NADH enter fermentation; NADH used to convert pyruvate into an alcohol and carbon dioxide; NAD+ recycled to glycolysis

Commercial Uses of Fermentation:
1. Lactic Acid Fermentation: Yogurt                                     

   2.Lactic Acid Fermentation: Cheese

3. Alcoholic Fermentation: bread


Recap Questions:

1. How are lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic fermentation similar? How are they different?

2. Describe the similarities and differences between cellular respiration and fermentation.